O trabalho colaborativo assente na utilização de ferramentas TIC

  • Toni da Silva Gomes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In today's information and communication society, full of technological changes which can affect the most diverse social and professional areas, it is essential to learncontinuously and throughout life in order to be able to seize the opportunities that thesechanges entail.To overcome the barriers of space and time, nowadays and increasingly more inthe future, lifelong learning will be based on research and sharing of online contents.From an individualistic and solitary study we’re heading to a paradigm of collaborationbetween individuals with common interests.In this new form of knowledge construction, the new technological tools play anessential role by allowing the use, recombination and storage of large amounts ofinformation. However, it is interesting to know whether there are advantages in theintroduction of information technology in learning and collaboration between studentsin the first years of formal learning and how are these advantages processed. On theother hand, it is essential the perception of those involved in the educational processabout the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the classroomcontext.In this work of qualitative research, integrated into the Master of Science inEducation - Specialization in Educational Informatics, topics such as learning, ICT andcollaborative work were discussed and it was taken into consideration the potential ofcomputer tools as promoters of collaborative learning in primary education. Afterreviewing the literature and in order to answer the pre-established question of research,information was gathered through direct observation of students in the classroomcontext and the carrying out of interviews with students and teachers. After analysingand relating the collected data, this study shows that ICT positively influence themotivation for learning, promote collaborative work in groups and contribute to theunderstanding of social rules.
Date of Award2011
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Reis Lagarto (Supervisor)


  • Learning
  • Collaborative work
  • ICT
  • E-blocks solutions
  • Primary education
  • Mathematics
  • English language


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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