O uso das redes sociais
: estudo de adaptação para a população portuguesa

  • Joana Maria Oliveira Simões (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study aims to adapt to analyses social network use based on and adaptation study for Portuguese population of a questionnaire (Garcia del Castillo et al., 2015). Its relevance is related to the fact that a relatively recent theme that lack the tools to assess these issues. Additionally, it can also support the development of more studies in this area so we can intervene to prevent the inappropriate use of social networks. The instrument has been studied in terms of validity and reliability with a sample of 491 university students in two separate moments. The results indicate the suitability of the model. It is understood also the existence of convergent validity and reliability of the temporal type, as the results show no significant differences between the two moments and correlate positively. To deepen the knowledge about the use of social networks, we try to understand the role of individual variables such as age and gender, academic degree, reproofs and averages. Depending on age, gender, reproofs and averages found some statistically significant differences. Analyzing the use of social networks depending on the degree, we found no differences between the groups. These data seem to ensure the validity and use of the questionnaire Uso das Redes Sociais, Portuguese version
Date of Award1 Feb 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPaulo César Dias (Supervisor)


  • University students
  • Use of social networks
  • Adaptation
  • Instrumental study


  • Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde

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