O uso das redes sociais nas famílias monoparentais femininas
: controlo, privacidade e interações geracionais

  • Raquel Silva Gomes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present dissertation titled "the use of social networks in female single-parent families: control, privacy and generational interactions" aims to reflect on the role that families have on awareness together of their teenagers to the present surveillance on the internet and in particular on social networks. To do this, we start by explaining the panoptic social control, showing its objectives and consequences. We present the evolution of the panoptic control that current societies operate through the internet and social networks, defining both concepts. We describe, yet the concept of family and its development, giving special attention to single-parent families and to their challenges. Were verified by exploratory study with three female single-parent households, through six interviews, which the mother tends to not be able to share knowledge of norms and values the way she wouldn't expect. In the families studied there is role reversal for the family about web due to the fact that the daughter is the main expert of this medium. Finally the teenagers, by considering they dominate the internet, it shows that they worry more with the monitoring done by mothers than with generalized surveillance.
Date of Award1 Jul 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorManuel António Antunes da Cunha (Supervisor) & Alexandra Patrícia Lopes Esteves (Co-Supervisor)


  • Panoptic
  • Single-parent families
  • Female single-parent families
  • Social network


  • Mestrado em Serviço Social

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