Teachers in schools are faced daily with many challenges, especially: to awaken in students the ability to manage their thoughts and emotions, motivate them to become leading actors of their learning, teach them how to search, treat the survey data and form critical opinion. It is also added that the school beyond a place of learning, is a privileged mean of creating and establishing relationships, reason why should be one of the main forces on the combat of possible deviant behaviours. Teacher should streamline their classes in order to by providing students autonomy in learning. The goal of the teacher is to teach the student to plan, guide, search, select and apply data, encouraging them to develop their critical thinking. The research theme, "The use of unconscious plagiarism in preparing school work by students of Elementary and Secondary Education", came after observation of malpractice by students in the preparation of research works on TIC subject. The objective of this research was to know the reasons cited by respondents as a reason for incurring the plagiarism. Is it a rational action, or pure forgetfulness in bibliographic reference? In this report, describes and reflects on the role of the teacher, the tasks performed during the PES (of lective and not lective component), activities of the core stage, research performed, analysis of results and conclusions.
Date of Award | 2013 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Francisco Restivo (Supervisor) & Nelson Ferreira (Co-Supervisor) |
- Role of teacher
- Learning
- Plagiarism
- Mestrado em Ensino de Informática
O uso do plágio de forma inconsciente na elaboração de trabalhos escolares por alunos do ensino básico e secundário
Frias, J. V. C. F. (Student). 2013
Student thesis: Master's Thesis