O verdadeiro sacrifício em Santo Agostinho
: uma leitura do livro X do De civitate Dei

  • Alberto Jorge Neves Martins (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


With «the true sacrifice in Saint Augustine. A reading of the book X from De civitate Dei», we intend to undertake an approach to the Augustinian notion of verum sacrificium, from the critical reading of the first seven chapters of the book X from De civitate Dei. By the analysis of the motivations and aims of Hiponense in the writing of De civ.Dei, as well as by the one of the structure and literary unity of the work, we will present the global context of the book X. Subsequently, we will broach the way how Augustine understands the notions of true worship and true sacrifice, delineating the structure of De civ. Dei, 1-7 and valuing the semantics of the worship vocabulary, present in it. At last, we will synthesize the fundamental lines of Augustine’s thinking on verum sacrificium, emphasizing the way how he reads and presents the sacrifice of Christ and the sacrifice of the Church, sacramentally manifested in the Eucharist, as well as the sacrifice of Christians, in the offering of themselves, for their love to God and in favour of their neighbour .
Date of Award6 Jul 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorIsidro Lamelas (Supervisor)


  • Sacrifice
  • Worship
  • Priesthood of Christ
  • Church
  • Eucharist
  • De civitate Dei


  • Mestrado em Teologia

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