Obesidade na infância e adolescência
: o papel da condição crónica e da sintomatologia psicopatológica na qualidade de vida e rendimento escolar

  • Vera Lúcia Domingues Gonçalves de Almeida (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Recently, there have been increased prevalences of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Studies show that children and adolescents with this condition may present with psychopathological symptoms, lower quality of life (QoL) and lower school performance. The present study sought to assess the psychopathological symptoms, general QoL and school performance of children and adolescents who are overweight or obese, by comparison with children and adolescents with normal weight. In a quantitative, correlational and cross study, with 229 children and adolescents from 10 to 18 years old, in a schoolin the area of Lafões, through SDQ (Portuguese Version) and KIDSCREEN-10© questionnaires and records of sociodemographic and clinical data, anonymous self-reports were collected. Participants were made aware of the objectives of the research through the informed consent letter. Parents of the minors authorized their participation. Following the tracking of the weight and height, by the physical education teachers in October 2011, it was performed the assortment of the nutritional status through the body mass index (BMI) percentile. The sample was divided into three groups: the first group was comprised of 122 children and adolescents with normal weight (BMI percentile>5 and ≤85), the second group contained 57 overweight children and adolescents (BMI percentile>85 and ≤95), and the third group included 50 obese children and adolescents (BMI percentile >95). It was concluded that the obese and overweight participants had significantly lower QoL scores and higher psychopathological symptoms, when compared to the normal weight group. The group of obese participants had the lowest school performance. More research and new strategies to prevent and fight obesity are recommended.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCélia Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • Obesity
  • Overweight
  • Overall QoL
  • Psychopathological symptoms
  • School performance


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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