Optimising employer branding strategies for Oceanário de Lisboa
: a comprehensive consulting project

  • Francisco Quintela (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Employer branding is a topic that companies need to consider during the unpredictable quotidian of reshaping their brand. In today's highly competitive corporate landscape, companies invest heavily to attract and retain top high-skilled talent. Hence, to remain attractive, it is essential to review and modernize current employer branding strategies. This Master Thesis is inserted in a Consulting Project atmosphere and was conducted at Oceanário de Lisboa. Therefore, alongside investigating the theoretical aspects of Employer Branding and the Employee Value Proposition framework, this research has a strong component of enriching the employer branding efficiencies of the client. The main scope of the project is to assess the market's perception of Oceanário de Lisboa as an employer in the Life Sciences industry. To achieve this goal, the research used qualitative individual interviews and a quantitative survey to increase the effectiveness of the results. Those methodologies were used to evaluate the perception of Life Sciences professionals and graduates about the client’s employer branding strategies. The research then diagnosed what Oceanário de Lisboa was offering in terms of benefits and perks to understand if there was a match with the expectations of Life Sciences employees and students. Based on the data analysis, recommendations were provided to ensure that the best practices Oceanário was employing would be highlighted. Following a strong connection to the data collected, key points of improvement were identified, and advice was provided on certain aspects that could improve the industry’s perception of the client.
Date of Award24 Jan 2024
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRute Xavier (Supervisor)


  • Employer branding
  • Employee value proposition
  • Benefits
  • Oceanário de Lisboa
  • Consulting
  • Life sciences


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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