Os festivais de música como promotores de turismo cultural

  • Filipe Mourão Carvalhal (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Nowadays music festivals are an important subset in the universe of culture events and it has received interest from several areas of study, given to their universality and the popularity of the provided experiences. Some gaps in the literature under the subject “Event Tourism" have been less explored like those related to planning and event organization involving the organizations, the partners, the politics, the goals, the strategies, the impacts and the evolution. According to the gaps founded in the literature, in the context of event tourism, it becomes relevant the study of music festivals as promoters of cultural tourism. In this context we defined as the main goal: to understand if music festivals may be promoters of cultural tourism. As secondary goals: to characterize the business model of the festivals: Milhões de Festa, Paredes de Coura, Primavera Sound; to compare the business model of the 3 festivals; to characterize the public assistance of the three festivals; to compare the public assistance of the three festivals; to understand if the three festivals can be a hallmark. The three promoters of the festivals: Milhões de Festa, Paredes de Coura, Primavera Sound, have participated in this study, and filled a questionnaire with the purpose to describe and characterize the business model. A semistructured interview was applied to the promoters of the festivals and to the regional director for northern culture to gather data about the festivals as culture tourism. The results of this study show us that the main source of financing come from the tickets sold. Some differences were found in second source of financing, private and state-owned. The state-owned financing of Milhões de Festa festival are the second source, in the contrast with the other two festivals. When it comes to financial expenditures, the booking of bands is the main expense, highlighting the Primavera Sound festival. The expenses on the general production of Milhões de Festa and Paredes de Coura are similar and higher to the Primavera Sound. The expenses with the team are similar in the 3 festivals. The public assistance is mostly portuguese, with the exception of Primavera Sound where most of the assistance is from outside of Portugal. The portuguese assistance is mostly outside of the city or town where the festivals Milhões de Festa and Paredes de Coura take place. In conclusion the music festivals are promoters of cultural tourism, because they arouse the interest of thousand of persons to experience a unique and unrepeatable experience, with an economic, social and media big impact in order to promote the city, the town, the region and the country. All this aspects allow us to define the music festivals, as a hallmark of the region, therefore they should be include in the strategic plan of tourism of Portugal.
Date of Award2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorÁlvaro Barbosa (Supervisor) & Carlos Lobo (Co-Supervisor)


  • Hallmark
  • Music festivals
  • Cultural tourism
  • Business model


  • Mestrado em Gestão de Indústrias Criativas

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