Os jovens e a igreja na vivência pastoral contemporânea

  • Saturninho da Costa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work is a study of the teachings formulated by Pope John Paul II to Pope Francis that are aimed to the youth and the Church in contemporary pastoral experience. This study develops mainly in the domain of the messages of the World Youth Days, that the Popes have transmited, with the aims of study being the world youth days instituted by the Pope. Researching the central documents of the World Youth Days and the fundamental contents, we seek to discover the relevance of the Pope's pastoral message to the youth, comparing it with the profile of today's youth identity. World Youth Day was born in Rome, in the pastoral year 1984/1985, with the aim of contributing to the evangelization of youngster. World Youth Day (WYD) is celebrated initially every three years in the large cities chosen by the Pope and in conjunction with the diocesan Day in several dioceses on Palm Sunday. This event stimulated thousands of young people and presents itself as an important source for youth ministry according to the preferred theme for the year. Therefore, World Days can inspire various forms of evangelization for the youth. The messages of the Days reflect a vision of the world, the human person, youth identity and God's grace. Underlying the messages of the Popes, from Pope John Paul II to Francis in the World Youth Days, the central theme is the promoting of the dignity of the human person. The Pope addresses the youth to not to be afraid and asks for everyone's commitment to promoting peace in the face of social divisions, building a civilization of love, defending values in the face of a culture of death. It draws attention to higher spiritual values, such as freedom, justice, love and responsibility.
Date of Award22 Oct 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLuís M. Figueiredo Rodrigues (Supervisor)


  • Youth
  • Popes
  • WYD
  • Youth pastoral ministry
  • Values


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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