Os mecanismos de proteção do consumidor vulnerável no sector da eletricidade

  • Beatriz Borges Saraiva Teixeira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The State has the duty of collecting revenue to deal with the various public charges. This purpose is essentially ensured through taxation, which basically functions as a mediator of balance in societies. Nonetheless, this State's obligation should not result in inaccessible access to essential goods, and, at the same time, it has the duty to create means to reconcile taxation, which is indispensable to the social State, with the guarantee of existential minimums. Our analysis aims, especially, to understand what support mechanisms have been created for those who are considered vulnerable consumers, within the electricity sector.
Date of Award15 Mar 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSérgio Vasques (Supervisor)


  • Taxation
  • Vulnerability
  • Consumer adoption
  • Social state
  • Electrical energy


  • Mestrado em Direito

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