Package design for sustainability
: a company-based perspective

  • Maria Inês de Sousa Ribeiro (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Purpose: The objective of this study is to understand how companies face and integrate sustainability challenges in packaging design and what are the motivations and processes behind managers' decisions when adopting sustainable behaviours. Design/Method Approach: This study carries out an analysis of the motivations and processes that leads companies to move forward on sustainable packaging, through their strategies, decisions, and actions. It also addresses the challenges that companies encounter on the path to sustainable packaging. A list of questions was developed based on a relevant literature review, which translates into constructs that were developed in the conceptual model. Interviews with five Portuguese companies, that are market leaders (international and domestic): AMORIM SA, SUPER BOCK, SONAE MC, SOJA DE PORTUGAL, and LACTOGAL, demonstrate where these companies stand on sustainable packaging. Findings: The results of this study highlight that there are several factors that are influencing companies' decisions when implementing sustainability in packaging. Among these issues, there are some that are out of the control of companies' decisions, but that could be integrated into companies' strategies or decisions in order to facilitate and promote more sustainability in packaging. This study was based on interviews with five leading companies in the Portuguese markets that show that companies have the necessary knowledge and are committed to more sustainable packaging. Interviews were conducted with these companies to address identified constructs that were considered key to understanding the research question. The constructs relate to external factors, consumer perception, strategies, impact on business models and companies' vision for the future, and how these influence companies' strategies and decisions regarding sustainable packaging. Originality/Value: Analysis of data shows that several issues are influencing companies’ actions and decisions when implementing sustainability in packaging. Among these issues, some are beyond the control of companies’ decisions but could be integrated into companies’ strategies or decisions in a way that would facilitate and promote more sustainability in packaging. This research provides valuable information for companies to explore increased sustainability in certain areas and evaluate its impact with the adoption of a new paradigm.
Date of Award14 Jul 2023
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorSusana Silva (Supervisor) & Paulo Alexandre de Oliveira Duarte (Co-Supervisor)


  • Packaging/brand identity
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Companies


  • Mestrado em Marketing

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