Papel preditivo da autoperceção do envelhecimento e do suporte social percebido na satisfação com a vida em adultos mais velhos institucionalizados e não institucionalizados

  • Edite Lopes de Sousa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Introduction: according to the literature, self-perception of aging and perceivedsocial support are determining factors for life satisfaction, in addition to variables such asage, education, institutionalization, contact with friends and family. Objectives: toexplore the predictive role of self-perception of aging, social support andsociodemographic variables in life satisfaction in older adults. Method: 127 noninstitutionalized and 115 institutionalized older adults participated in this study, with amean of 72.61 years (SD = 7.28; range 64-101) who completed a Sociodemographic5Questionnaire, the Questionnaire on Aging Perceptions, the Brief Social Networks ScaleLubben and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Results: Positive control, dimensionassociated with positive self-perception, social support, perception of young age andfrequency of communication with family are predictors of better life satisfaction, on theother hand, cyclical duration is a predictor of lower life satisfaction. Greater frequency ofcontact with friends and family and greater perceived social support is positively relatedto greater satisfaction with life. Advancing age is related to a decrease in perceived socialsupport. Older adults who are not institutionalized have higher levels of social support.The higher the level of education, the greater the satisfaction with life. Conclusions: Theresults achieved reveal that it is necessary to implement actions that allow older adults toacquire more positive perceptions about their aging, as well as to develop networks ofgreater social support, especially in institutionalized older adults.
Date of Award5 Apr 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorBerta Rodrigues Maia (Supervisor)


  • Self-perceptions of aging
  • Perceived social support
  • Satisfaction with life
  • Institutionalized older adults
  • Older adults not institutionalized


  • Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde

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