Passos de enfermagem na comunidade
: capacitar para vidas de qualidade

  • Márcia Andreia da Silva Ribeiro (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The steps of the Health Planning were implemented in Stages of Community Nursing of the Master Course in Community Nursing at the Institute of Health Sciences at the Catholic University of Porto, in the period April 2011 to February 2012. In Module I was carried out the Diagnostic Health Situation in Diabetes, by applying a questionnaire to patients diabetic/nondiabetic registered in Grouping Centers of Health – Porto Oriental, people institutionalized in Homes Care and Day Centres and in patients with Diabetes registered in the Health Unit Familiar Faria Guimarães. The management of the therapeutic regimen in Diabetes, namely nutrition, exercise, self-monitoring of blood glucose, foot and vaccination were the priority areas in this form. In Module II were implemented projects in diabetic patients registered in the Health Unit Familiar Faria Guimarães. After the evaluation of the project "Diabetes, you are not a stone in my shoe!", it was concluded that 34,15% of patients acquired knowledge and skills of surveillance of the foot. Regarding to the care with the feet: 71,4% went from average to good; 14,81% went from bad to average and 37.03% went from bad to good care. In the project "Diabetes, living in balance!" 45,71% of patients acquired knowledge and skills of self-monitoring blood glucose. Were also developed group projects: "For your health, get vaccinated!", where 58,8% of patients came for adherence to demonstrated vaccination and 100% learned about vaccination. The "Diabetes Workshop - World Diabetes Day" served to inform the population of Paranhos about nutrition, exercise, care with the feet and capillary glucose monitoring. The work was presented to 77,3% of professionals in the multidisciplinary team, providing information about the process and its evaluation. In Module III was implemented the project "Diabetes: prevention not to remediate!" on users of the Social Centre of the Paróquia of Nossa Senhora of Calvário and in the Social Centre of the Bairro of Cerco of Port of Diocesan Social Work Promotion, verifying that 100% of the people learned about nutrition, exercise, self-monitoring of blood glucose and foot. In last place, in clinical nursing skills acquired self-monitoring of blood glucose monitoring and foot. In the project "Children with + health = Children + developed", aimed at professionals in the Nursery and Kindergarten was found that 88,23% learned about health needs, nutrition, hygiene and sleep and skills on how to work in disease situations urgent/emergent in children. The "Supervision in nursing, a light to forward!" allowed the monitoring of the second year students of that University, in its first clinical training, were 100% acquired skills instrumental, interpersonal, professional, academic, critical, reflective and teamwork. All projects have significant adesion membership and the Report of Community Nursing intends to mirror the gains in health sensitive to nursing care.
Date of Award24 May 2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorNorminda Magalhães (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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