Pedagogia da hospitalidade e ethos docente
: um estudo sobre narrativas de professores(as)

  • Tamiris de Lima Pereira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present work corresponds to a final report of an investigation inserted into a Master’s thesis in Science of Education, specialized in Social Pedagogy, at the Portuguese Catholic University titled “Pedagogy of Hospitality and Teacher’s Ethos: a study about the teachers’ narrative”. With the intent of tracing a Pedagogy of Hospitality in the scope of professional teachers, the investigation uses methodological resources in conjunction with the narratives produced by a group of teachers from different states in Brazil. All from diverse specializations, the teachers’ narrated their own professional practices and recounted their memories as students, helping to conclude the importance of new pedagogical practices that include proximity, attention, care, and affection. This pedagogy takes into consideration others perspectives, believing that to educate is to intervein in human development, and the teachers role is permeated by responsibility, ethics and mediation.
Date of Award23 Feb 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorIsabel Baptista (Supervisor) & Roberta Sogayar (Co-Supervisor)


  • Social pedagogy
  • Pedagogy of hospitality
  • Teacher’s ethos
  • Teachers' narratives
  • Relationship practices


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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