Pedagogia e medidas de reinserção social
: o caso do rendimento social de inserção (RSI)

  • Diana Isabel Amaral Dias Lemos (Student)

Student thesis: Doctoral Thesis


This thesis entitled “Pedagogy and Social Inclusion Measures: the case of Social Inclusion Income Law”, which leads to the PhD degree in Educational Sciences – specialisation in Social Pedagogy, concerns a study which sought to understand how social and educational intervention takes place, at local level, based on what is stated in the Portuguese social inclusion measure: Social Inclusion Income Law (RSI). From a theoretical point of view, this study is part of the scientific and academic field of Social Pedagogy, which, as a science of education, refers to the processes of lifelong learning and education, developed according to a perspective of solidarity and social inclusion. For this purpose, works of national and international reference authors were cited, which enabled us to understand and deepen Social Pedagogy, as well as various legal and regulatory documents that allowed us to understand the framework of social policies, in Portuguese and European contexts, from the 1970s to the present. From an empirical point of view, this study follows the phenomenological-interpretative paradigm and is based on the use of documental research and the direct interviewing of participants, carried out through semi-structured interviews. Considering the objectives of the study, the data collected and analysed allowed us to legitimise conclusions regarding the participants’ perceptions of principles, values and practices in the context of the RSI measure, as well as regarding the monitoring practices that configure their intervention, suggesting the need to promote social and educational capacity building initiatives among these participants.
Date of Award20 Jan 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorIsabel Baptista (Supervisor)


  • Social pedagogy
  • Portuguese social inclusion income law
  • Social inclusion measures
  • Lifelong learnig
  • Social and educational capacity building


  • Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação

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