Perscrutando horizontes
: autoavaliação escolar como caminho para abraçar e transformar a realidade educativa

  • João Manuel Ribeiro de Matos (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The research project focuses on the self-assessment of processes and educational outcomes in a private educational institution, aiming to promote continuous improvement in the quality of education. It is recognized that self-assessment often becomes a purely documentary procedure, neglecting the active participation of educational agents and emphasizing numbers and statistics at the expense of dialogue and collaboration. In light of this situation, the project seeks to understand how self-assessment is conceived and implemented in the school, analyze the perceptions and experiences of different actors involved, identify facilitating and hindering factors of self-assessment, and evaluate its impact on the quality of education. The adopted approach is tendentially qualitative (quali-quantitative) and multifaceted, combining techniques such as observations, narratives, experience reports, interviews, and questionnaires. Data collection was carried out until the end of the academic year 2023/2024, involving a sample of approximately 100 participants, including students, parents, teachers, staff, and school management. After data collection, a qualitative analysis was conducted using content analysis, discourse analysis, and narrative analysis techniques. The project aims to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of self-assessment in schools, provide guidance and recommendations for improving self-assessment practices, as well as raise awareness and involve different stakeholders in the educational community in the importance and value of self-assessment in schools. In sum, the research project aims to promote a culture of quality in education, seeking to positively influence the effectiveness and quality of educational processes in a private educational institution by providing a thorough analysis of the factors influencing educational success in this context.
Date of Award4 Nov 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJosé Matias Alves (Supervisor)


  • Self-evaluation
  • Educational processes
  • Academic results
  • School management
  • Private institution


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação

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