Plataforma de comunidades de aprendizagem online em fotografia

  • Lucas Ramos Moutinho (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Within the scope of Creative Industries, this project report is the result of an investigation of the photography sector and its relationship with education. Based on the assumption that online education has the necessary tools to strengthen learning in photography and foster a sense of community, the investigation began with the aim of developing a business plan. Research on e-learning and learning platforms helped select the method of communities of practice (CoP), which have the necessary attributes for collective learning. An investigation with the target public of photographers defined the main demands and needs that the project should address. That enabled the development of the value proposition and the business plan for an online learning platform in the photography community.
Date of Award29 Dec 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLuís Teixeira (Supervisor) & Carlos Lobo (Co-Supervisor)


  • Digital platforms
  • Learning
  • Online
  • Courses
  • Community
  • Photography
  • e-learning
  • Project


  • Mestrado em Gestão de Indústrias Criativas

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