Porque o sangue é a vida! (Dt 12,23)
: relevância da terminologia do sangue nas Escrituras Judaicas e Cristãs

  • Telmo André Ribeiro Nunes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study has as main objective to observe the relevance of the terminology of
blood in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures. It is divided into two parts arranged in a diptych, each with three chapters. The first part focuses on the analysis of the Hebrew term used to say blood (dām), as well as its relationship with the Hebrew terms used to say death (mavet) and life (nep̄eš), ending with a research on its meaning. use in cultural context. The second part presents a study of the singular dynamism of the Greek term used to say blood (haima), also in its relationship with the Greek terms used to say death (thanátos) and life (zóé), also analyzing its use in a cultural context. In conclusion, the pertinence of the study of this terminology, Hebrew and Greek, is justified, underlining the importance of knowing some of the lines of continuity and discontinuity of this terminology of blood in the Jewish and Christian Scriptures.
Date of Award12 Sept 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLuísa Maria Almendra (Supervisor)


  • Blood
  • Life
  • Death
  • Cult
  • Atonement
  • Innocent blood
  • Impurity
  • Consecration
  • Covenant
  • Sacrifice
  • Priest
  • Altar and Eucharist


  • Mestrado Integrado em Teologia

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