Precision Ibéria
: an opportunity on Facebook

  • Cátia Daniela Nunes Gomes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Precision Ibéria is a franchise company owned by 100% Portuguese investors. Characterized by being a Multibrand auto repair company, it has been present in Portugal for 10 years; Precision Ibéria is positioned as “one stop shop” providing all the mechanical services for all passenger car brands. From its beginning it has been focusing on consumer satisfaction, developing strat-egies that meet their needs. Unfortunately, the crisis that affects our country has reached the repair aftermarket sector, therefore companies are decreasing their marketing budget. As a result, they are changing the way they communicate with customers. Costumers, who are changing their habits, most of them interact among each other through Facebook, a social online platform. The objective of this thesis is to give an opportunity to teachers and their students to know a real Portuguese case, giving the possibility to discuss if there is an opportunity for Precision Ibéria to create a relationship with its online consumers, through Facebook; developing a more effective marketing strategy with a lower budget. In order to achieve this objective, it was de-veloped a case study divided into two parts. The first part analyzes the automotive industry and gives a greater focus to the repair Aftermarket sector and Precision Ibéria; later it was developed a market research to Precision’ s clients in order to have a more coherent and real-istic analysis. With the help of literature review it is possible to discover some key points that allow under-standing the case study better, as well as the teaching notes which will be the guide to discuss the topic. This work also suggests some ideas that Precision Ibéria can develop to help the company to achieve its objectives.
Date of Award2012
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPedro Celeste (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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