Preditores das atitudes negativas face ao envelhecimento e face à sexualidade na terceira idade

  • Diane Amorim Pinto Pereira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study analyzed the differences between young and old in terms of attitudes and knowledge in relation to aging and sexuality; the relationship between the negative attitudes towards aging and negative attitudes towards sexuality in old age; predictors of negative attitudes to aging; predictors of negative attitudes towards sexuality in old age. One hundred and fifty-three university students and 42 elderly users of homes of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia, participated in the study by answering a set of self-report instruments: Sociodemographic questionnaire, Ageism Scale and Scale of Knowledge and Sexual Attitudes on Aging. The results indicate that young people have a lower level of knowledge about sexuality in old age than older people, and that older people have less permissive attitudes about sexuality in old age than young people. With regard to aging, it was found that the elderly have more ageist (negative) attitudes than the young. It was found that the higher the negative attitude towards aging, the greater the negative attitudes towards sexuality in old age. Predictors of ageism were age (the higher, more ageist attitudes) and the daily contact with seniors. Predictors of negative attitudes towards sexuality in old age were age (the higher, more negative attitudes towards sexuality in old age) and negative attitudes towards aging. It is important to intervene with the population not only at the level of knowledge, but also in what respects to negative attitudes to aging and change of negative attitudes towards sexuality in old age.
Date of Award10 Feb 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorEleanora Cunha Veiga Costa (Supervisor)


  • Aging
  • Sexual attitudes
  • Sexual knowledge
  • Age differences


  • Mestrado em Gerontologia Social Aplicada

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