Pricing performance-based email marketing campaigns
: the impact of user registration form

  • Gregor Raphael Gmür (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


For companies to trust the Internet platform as an advertising medium and to also engage the sceptics in the long run, more transparency must be achieved in terms of performance and pricing mechanisms. This dissertation analyses promotional email campaign performance and critically reflects on the impacts such as user registration form design, the quality of the database as well as industry effects. The results enable companies to identify at what point advantages of exact tracking of digital footprints allow digital advertising models to outgrow conventional ones. In addition, the research aims at finding out what future values databases incorporate and to what extend companies can use data to retarget users in the future. Qualitative research in form of interviews with advertising agencies in Portugal assesses the future value of databases as well as the quality of information a user is asked for. Subsequently, secondary data of promotional email-marketing campaigns is evaluated quantitatively to identify the performance of such. To support these findings, further primary research in quantitative format measures the performance of three email-marketing campaigns amongst different industries. Companies should focus on systematically aligning databases for future retargeting, whereas information on users’ personal interests is especially valuable. Compiling data about a person´s location can be reduced due to further rapid development of GPS tracking systems on mobile devices. The quantitative analysis reveals the interesting finding that an increasing amount of form fields on a submission form of an email-marketing ad does not necessarily impact conversion rates negatively.
Date of Award20 Apr 2015
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAna Isabel de Almeida Costa (Supervisor) & Fernando Luís Jorge (Co-Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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