Produção de ‘salsicha’ de base vegetal utilizando géis de emulsão alternativos e identificação de suas características físico-químicas

  • Priscilla Ferreira Corrêa (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The growing interest in meat analogues derives from three main trends: growth of the world population, increased interest in nutritional and environmental issues, and increasing number of vegetarians. Vegan sausages are a great substitute for traditional sausages and are mainly composed of a source of protein, vegetable oil, water, and a gelling agent. Vegetable flours have been used to make gels healthier due to their high protein concentration, gelling ability, emulsifying activity and oil/water binding capacity. The present work had as objectives the study of emulsion gels and their application in vegan sausages, identification of their nutritional characteristics, and creation of appropriate product labels. The test of emulsification capacity was carried out using canola oil, water and flour (chia, oats, golden linseed or coconut) and analyzing its stability with and without gelling agent. With the best emulsification gels, vegan sausage formulations, that resemble a meat sausage, were elaborated.As a control, a traditional sausage formulation was also prepared. The physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of the different sausages were evaluated. Emulsion gels using oat flour or golden linseed flour showed high emulsification capacity and, when a gelling agent was included, a greater resistance. Both vegan sausages were found to have significant differences in protein (p < 0.027), fat (p < 0.027), and sodium content with the traditional sausage. In the product stability study, the pH and aw values remained constant and did not show significant microbiological changes up to 120 days. With these data, it was possible to make a proposal for a package label that demonstrates its qualities to the consumer. It is concluded that the use of emulsion gels are efficient in the production of vegan sausages in which certain nutritional characteristics are improved in relation to meat sausages.
Date of Award20 Jul 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorJenyffer Medeiros Campos Guerra (Supervisor) & João Ferreira (Co-Supervisor)


  • Emulsion gel
  • Vegan sausage
  • Fat substitutes
  • Technological properties
  • Oat
  • Golden linseed


  • Mestrado em Engenharia Alimentar

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