In the covid-19 pandemic, it was health professionals who were on the front line, in the fightfor life, exposing themselves to the risk of contagion from themselves and their families, addingto the workload and exhaustion. It is urgent to understand their personal experience, in order tounderstand the impacts, regarding the quality of professional life, resilience, adaptation andcoping adaptation, in the Portuguese and Brazilian context. Therefore, we developed a mixedstudy. In the first stage, quantitative, 235 professionals participated, an average of 39 years. Weapplied, in addition to a socioeconomic questionnaire, an Inventory of Action and Concern, aProfessional Quality of Life Scale (ProQol), and an Adult Resilience Scale (ERA). The resultsindicate high levels of satisfaction for compassion, with emphasis on Brazilian professionals.There is a moderate level of burnout and secondary traumatic stress. The positive effect ofresilience on the quality of professional life was found. Second, qualitative stage, we applied asemi-structured interview, using the interpretive phenomenological analysis method. Sixfemale hospital professionals participated. The results obtained in the experience of these,thematic: context of action; Death/dying reality; Personal response to experience;Psychological Implications; forms of resistance; Change of Self. There is a negative impact onthe psyche of professionals. However, there is a personal willingness to act, with the intentionof saving lives, corroborating an incidence of satisfaction through compassion. The recovery ofusers, emotional support from family members and spirituality contribute to resilience.Therefore, there is a transformation in the personal sphere, valuing time and life. There is aneed for measures and interventions to alleviate symptoms. It is also urgent to rethink thetraining of health care in terms of humanization and fostering resilience.
Date of Award | 11 Jan 2022 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Armanda Gonçalves (Supervisor) |
- Covid-19
- Health professionals
- Quality of professional life
- Resilience
- Adaptation
- Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde
Profissionais da saúde na pandemia covid-19: enfrentamento e adaptação
Gomes, L. O. B. (Student). 11 Jan 2022
Student thesis: Master's Thesis