Promoção da alimentação saudável das crianças em idade escolar
: intervenção de enfermagem comunitária para a escolha de lancheiras saudáveis

Translated title of the thesis: Promoting healthy food of children at school age community nursing: intervention for healthy for choice choices
  • Patricia Alexandra Santos Delgado Torres (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Healthy eating is fundamental for children to develop and grow healthily. The schoolis the privileged place in the community where children learn to transpose learningabout eating into behavior because it is where they spend a part of their day. Forthis reason, the school was the setting chosen for the community nursingintervention.The intervention project aimed to contribute to the promotion of children's healthliteracy, enabling them to adopt healthy eating habits. It was developed at theCommunity Care Unit Nostra Pontinha, from the Health Centers Group of LouresOdivelas. Based on the Health Planning Methodology of Imperatori and Giraldes,1982 and Tavares, 1990 and as theoretical reference, the Nola Pender HealthPromotion Model.The situation diagnosis was performed at a Pontinha elementary school, to twogroups of the third year, A and B, with 21 and 25 children respectively.For the data collection, we used the registration form of the snacks of the project"My Lunchbox" of the Alentejo Regional Nucleus Platform Against Obesity. Theproblems identified were reduced consumption of bread, dairy products, mariabiscuits, toast, water and salt and fruit, and a high consumption of juices, soft drinks,sweets, breads and breads.For the training of children, in the adoption of healthy eating habits in the preparationof school lunch boxes, health education sessions were held for children andcaregivers. The evaluation of the project showed that there was an increase of morethan 5% in the consumption of bread, dairy products, maria biscuits, toast, waterand salt and fruit and a decrease of more than 5% in juices, soft drinks, shape andbread. This project contributed to the change in the behavior of children in theconstitution of school lunch boxes. These and other activities integrated in the UCC led to the development ofcommunity nursing competences.
Date of Award13 May 2019
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorElisa Maria Bernardo Garcia (Supervisor)


  • Healthy eating
  • Community nursing
  • School health
  • Health literacy


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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