Promoção da inclusão de um aluno com Trissomia 20, com recurso a tecnologia de apoio

  • Maria Amélia Pereira Carvalho Gonçalves (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present report “Promotion of the inclusion of a student with Trisomy 20, resourcing to assistive technology” arises in the context of the completion of Master in Science of Education – Special Education, which the author does in the continuity of her career as teacher, with more than 25 years, and her continuous training to reinforce the execution of her profession. After by CRTIC of Guimarães (information technology resources centre destined to evaluate students with special educational needs to adequate the assistive technologies to their specific needs) to obtain a computer with an adapted keyboard. It was, then, developed a progressive work and monitored the introduction of this new tool in the education of the student in order to be possible to track his evolution in several training aspects to evaluate, and eventually introduce, variation of intensity of use or even abandonment of use of the tool, in case its application would result in greater disadvantage than advantage. From monitoring and quantification relative to the several assessment criteria of the applied methodologies: handwriting exercise, writing resourcing to a word processor and to Eugénio – o Preditor de Palavras exercises, it was, through an evaluation of 5 criteria rated from 0 to 10, verified an improvement in 3 criteria rated with 7 (good): diminished writing time, decreased fatigue levels, and complete exemption for aid by the student during the exercise. The readability criterion is, naturally, different between the handwriting exercise and the resource to a computer, registering only reflections in the improvement of communication and motivation and on the number of errors that were reduced either using the word processor or Eugénio – o Preditor de Palavras. Regarding the available and applied tool, it is identified an advantage in its development. The knowledge about its existence and potentialities has been revealed difficult so that it is concluded as advantageous the regular participation of experts in specialized forums, as the ones promoted by information technologies centres about available resources and assistive technologies. It is also considered relevant the contact with the association “A Raríssimas – Associação Nacional de Deficiências Mentais e Raras”, founded in April 2002 with the mission to support patients and families who live closely with rare diseases, to report the experience with this student with Trisomy 20 in mosaic, considered a rare disease. completing a post-graduation in Special Education (300 hours), the author exercises Special Education since the school year of 2009/2010, attending, in the last 6 years, trainings within a total of 360 hours. Consistently with past practice in the training of practical skills within the theoretical study, this report is supported and presents the theory that is available and that is sought to frame and guide the work in a practical case study of a student with special education needs (NEE), with Trisomy 20, anomaly whose research is, whether at a clinical level or educational response level, in an investigation and development stage. The inclusion of students with special educational needs requires the mobilization and a close cooperation of several agents, clinical intervention, family, school, teachers and society, to assure a quality response. All the referred involvement seeks, more than mere integration, the inclusion of the student in the education system according to a concept that the World Conference of Special Educational Needs, promoted by UNESCO and held in June 1994 in Salamanca (Spain), not only helped to consolidate but also to set guidelines that came to be formally expressed in the Salamanca Statement about Principles, Policy and Practical in the field of Special Educational Needs. This structured approach to the education of students with special educational needs came to be continued at the level of each country, and in Portugal led to their existing framework in the Law of Special Educational Baselines and in the Law of Prevention, Integration and Rehabilitation of a Person Baselines came to be a subject of several legislations that currently shape the Special Education in Portugal. The taken path in legislation requires not only educational institutions and teachers, but also the involvement of the family as a first and irreplaceable form of integration, inclusion and development of the student, not only at an educational level, but also as a person. Despite the initial fear and insecurity, the families can be able to face the challenge realistically and in a process that the difficult situation does not create negative effects, but enriches the family life. A path that itself is the most solid way to include the students in the educational system and the way to their happiness. The Trisomy 20 in mosaic that the student D. is a carrier, results from a numerical chromosomal abnormality, consisting in the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 20 in some cells which, generally, result from anomalies in the cell division after fertilization. To support the inclusion of this student it was, accordingly with the recommended best practices, promoted the participations of parents, therapists (speech therapist and physiotherapist) and doctor who regularly provided assistance to the student. This involvement, with particular emphasis on the careful and always present intervention of the parents, was a solid basis for a continuous knowledge of the state of mind of the student, his motivation, identification of the required responses and definition of actions and strategies to develop. From the contact with the doctor it was possible to know and anticipate the physical state and its evolution and reflection on the potential increased needs for supporting the student. Among some limitations, the handwriting was, in particular, a difficulty that has worsened significantly due to accentuation of kyphoscoliosis that had implications in the movement skills. In the search for the best methodology that could help minimize this limitation, it was identified software tool, Eugénio – o Preditor de Palavras, which use presented itself as a facilitator in the writing speed. Simultaneously, it was requested an evaluation of this student
Date of Award24 May 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorFilomena Ermida Figueiredo Branco da Ponte (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação: Educação Especial

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