Promoção da participação da criança nos cuidados de enfermagem

  • Joana Filipa da Silva Mota Malveiro (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The child's participation in the care processes is central to their adherence, which translates into quality care. When they are involved in the different health care contexts, children express their desire to participate in decision-making processes about care and treatment procedures; however, this is still a poorly integrated reality in healthcare planning. Thus, pediatric nurse specialist intervention on the child is essential to the implementation of strategies that promote and facilitate its practical application, aiming at child and family’s satisfaction with the care provided.This report appears in the context of a Master's Degree in Nursing, in the specialization area of Child and Pediatric Health Nursing with the aim of describing in an analytical, critical and reflective way the path developed in skills acquisition inherent to the title of Nurse Specialist in Child and Pediatric Health Nursing (NSCPHN).The formative path was guided by Quality-Care © model, which integrates the concept of satisfaction as an accurate end-result of nurse caring, together with scoping review mapped strategies on children’s participation in decision-making on healthcare.In each internship context, after performing the situation diagnosis and in line with the previously defined general objective - “to develop skills as NSCPHN in providing specialized care to the child / youth and family in the different intervention contexts, with a focus on child participation in care ” -, specific objectives were outlined and activities were carried out in order to develop innumerable competences in both Common Skills of Specialist Nurses and Specialist Nurses in Child and Pediatric Health profiles as well as Master’s skills.In the context of primary health care I highlight, among other activities carried out, the elaboration of procedures and flowcharts of action of the NACJR, subject to approval; in the context of inpatient pediatrics, directed a team training session on the child's participation in care and communication in times of pandemic, and created a photo mural with the elements of the multidisciplinary team without a face mask; and finally, in the context of urgency, the elaboration of a reflexive critical analysis on the implementation of strategies that promote child participation in an emergency context. I also highlight the realization of a poster presented at the 3rd International Seminar of the Master of Nursing titled “Strategies that promote the participation of children in decision-making in health care: scoping review” and the writing of a letter to the editor published in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing.With the development of this training path and after analyzing and reflecting on the various skills acquired and developed, it was possible to obtain a new perspective on the relationship of care based on a critical, specialized and well-founded dimension, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of care.
Date of Award31 Jan 2022
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorZaida Charepe (Supervisor)


  • Nursing
  • Child
  • Participation


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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