Promoção de normas de qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem em saúde infantil e pediátrica

  • Cláudia Bargão D' Arbuez Gomes Rainha (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The present report was written in the context of the Master’s Course in Child and Paediatric Health Nursing and it reveals the author’s experiences in the different contexts of the child/youth and family assistance with a view to the development of knowledge, capabilities and skills as far as her future role and intervention as Child and Paediatric Health Nurse Specialist is concerned. Develop skills in the development of quality standards in Nursing Care in Child and Paediatric Health was the overall objective that the author always had in mind during the course unit known as “Traineeship”. This subject is one of the main pillars in the providing of advanced nursing care in the context of child health and paediatrics: By defining the specific norms for paediatric assistance, it is possible to develop strategies for promoting the quality standards for the providing of care, with a view to improving the patient’s quality of life. On the other hand, by referring to the best scientific evidence, the nurses establish their decisions, assess their practice and know if the results by which they are going to be evaluated are appropriate and approved. The investment in the nurses’ training will also ensure a better performance in the provision of care. In Module II - which took place in the Paediatrics Outpatient Appointments Department and in the Paediatrics Inpatient Department of Cascais Hospital - Dr. José de Almeida – the author’s activities were developed in the context of the joint provision of care by the hospital and the health centre clusters, with a view to improving the care that is provided in the specific field of nourishment during the child’s first year, as well as improving the job satisfaction of the nurses in the different teams. These activities were successful and allowed the acquisition of skills in the organization and quality management of the nursing care. In Module III - which took place in the Paediatrics and Neonatology Emergency Department of the CUF Descobertas Hospital – the author took part in the already implemented project of the patients’ post-discharge follow-up, as well as in the creation of information leaflets for parents and of a standard behavioural procedure for the Neonatology inpatients’ discharge preparation. The activities were successful, allowing the acquisition of skills in the field of care provision for children/youths and families in particularly complex situations and in the contribution for the improvement of the quality of care. With the purpose of improving the quality of the nurse’s performance in the context of the Child and Paediatric Health Nurse Specialist, the author concludes that the Nurse Specialist has a main role in the activities that are part of the health planning procedures and in the definition of health policies and strategies, thus promoting the holistic care based in the family and ensuring that the children and their parents or guardians have access to the knowledge and the learning of skills throughout their contact with the healthcare providers.
Date of Award2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorMargarida Lourenço (Supervisor)


  • Quality standard
  • Nursing
  • Child
  • Family


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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