Rede regional de cuidados paliativos
: primeiro ano de atividade

  • Maria Luísa Gonçalves Moreira Gomes Freitas (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Internationally and in Portugal there are quality criteria in palliative care. These indicators measure the quality of care and induces improvement in performance. The Palliative Care Network of Madeira was established in 2012. The structure and objectives were established by government policy. The goal is to assess if the health care of the Regional Network of Palliative Care of the Autonomous Region of Madeira is in accordance with the preestablished quality indicators in Palliative Care Project and to compare the performance of the first year with the objectives initially proposed. Methodology A retrospective, descriptive and observational study that included all patients admitted to the network between 01/10/2012 and 30/9/2013. The characterization and descriptive variables included among others: gender, age, diagnosis, time between referral and assessment, time to symptomatic control, visits to emergency department and place of death. Results Admitted 101 patients, predominantly oncologic, 59% female, mode ages 60- 69 years, mostly by hospital referral. Globally, the time set for the first assessment by the palliative care team was achieved. A significant number (56%) of patients did not reach the symptomatic control at 48h.The main reason for referral was pain and most patients admitted had 3 uncontrolled symptoms. After referral to the regional network, the median survival of the patients was 85 days and half resorted to emergency service. The average mean hospitalization in palliative care was two weeks, 32% were discharged, and 65% died in the palliative care unit. The results met most objectives, however, the shortage of resources prevented a better performance. This study introduced the evaluation of the activity through indicators, which will improve the future performance of Palliative Care Regional Network of Madeira.
Date of Award29 Sept 2016
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorManuel Luís Capelas (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Cuidados Paliativos

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