Redesenho do processo de logística da Lusilectra

  • Joana Alexandra da Cunha Teixeira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This work aims to create a project to redesign the logistics department of the company Lusilectra, part of the Salvador Caetano group, which is responsible for various processes and infrastructures within the company. This project appears to prepare the company for the future, which includes an expansion of its business to new locations and an increase in marketing channels by creating a website. The present work began with a theoretical framework on Lean principles, tools for continuous process improvement and kaizen methodologies. Special attention is given to the kaizen implementation carried out by the Salvador Caetano group, to which Lusilectra belongs and whose standards it must comply with. Throughout this work, it was possible to analyze existing complaints regarding the logistics department and the company in general. This work is based on an internship conducted the company. This internship allowed experiencing the company’s daily operations, accessing internal data, conducting unstructured interviews and direct observation of various processes. Interviews were conducted with all employees of the Lusilectra logistics department and with the administration member responsible for this department, Dra. Paula Cruz. Through the mentioned methodologies, problems were identified in the logistics department, both in terms of infrastructure and processes. Each identified problem was analyzed in detail, and a project with various solutions to be implemented was created. Due to the complexity, it was necessary to divide the present project into two phases. In the first phase, there was the organization of a warehouse and the change and identification of layouts for all the warehouses. Additionally, there was preparation of the infrastructure and processes associated with the picking process and the bureaucratic process of sending orders to be changed in the later phase. In the second phase of the project, the high turnover zone to be created in the warehouse and the reserve zone were conceptualized. The picking process and bureaucratic process of sending orders will be implemented in this phase, bringing various changes in the workers¢ day-to-day activities. Finally, the results of the work were presented, including the project developed for the redesign of the Lusilectra logistics department, as well as the result of the proposals implemented to date in the company.
Date of Award12 Jul 2024
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorM. H. Correia (Supervisor)


  • Lean
  • Kaizen
  • Logistics
  • Continuous improvement


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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