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: análise reflexiva das alterações produzidas pelo regime de frequência articulado no ensino vocacional de música : caso concreto

  • José Miguel Nascimento Mendes Fraga Amaral (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Currently, the challenge launched by education is as wide as the very definition of the term. Thinking it best to be able to intervene in the multiple tasks that education assigns us, as teachers, represents an effort to update and constantly adapt in order to find tools for prevention, detection and resolution of various issues related to it. In this sense, the present work is based on the reality of a less known education - the art education, specifically the musical vocational education - which is still somewhat unknown by the general population and to some extent even by the very entities that administrate it. This particular reality acts as a reservoir of experiences of teaching and learning across the whole range of interpersonal relationships and consequently deserves to be analyzed in the light of a rigorous scientific framework. The urgency of this research lies in the awareness, while teaching at the Conservatório Regional de Música de Viseu " Dr. Azeredo Perdigão”, regarding the fact that, in recent years, the education sector has undergone several changes under the umbrella of a global project for mass education of music, designed by the government that led Portugal till 2011. Being part of this extensive gear, I am induced to analyze the specific reality of my school, as well as its social and organizational features, theorizing from issues launched by researchers in the field of educational sciences. Initially, the enhance is put in the need to analyze the very type of school, particularly the kind of design that is being considered and to what extent this scientific support may or may not lead to improvements in all processes adjacent to the reality of school. Considering it as a socio-communitarian construction, school is a place where different actors, each one with different roles and behaviors expected, move. Looking away from the idea of school as a locus of reproduction of social inequalities, this argument virtually unanimous in terms of public opinion, this work lends emphasis to the urgency of articulating what is a sound knowledge based on rigorous scientific basis, within a favorable relational school context, to the valences of an entire community that supports and builds it day by day. That is, there is the stress on the urgency of putting the school at the service of local communities, in complementarity logic. Also in the case of the Conservatório Regional de Música de Viseu, this path is the most likely to mitigate a certain tendency toward elitism of the vocational education of music and to achieve real and effective participation of the Conservatório in building is own identity, parallel to the stimulus that this will mean in terms of strengthening the local identity. Naturally, this route cannot arise without a greater effectiveness of another theorical pillar discussed here. Such is the autonomy of schools, an item that is taking time to move away from purely legal framework to a concrete action plan. A school that cannot plan is own action, which can go through various actions such as hiring its own professionals, is a weakened school from the point of view of effectiveness. Regarding the Conservatório, this is particularly visible, albeit at the opposite pole, since the relative autonomy it possesses has allowed it to have, since its foundation in 1985, a solid and gradual approach to the community in which it operates, transferring is own school culture to the whole social plan about. As students are assessed, also the school that educates them should be. However, this assessment should be taken in order to detect problems and identify solutions, which departs from the common idea behind the performance evaluation. Only then we can know whether or not we are in the presence of a school that is effective, in the light of what the effective schools movement proposes. The size of the schools, now organized into mega-clusters, has an increasingly negative impact both on the field of the teachers’ and the students’ work. It is therefore noted with satisfaction that the Conservatório Regional de Música de Viseu has been able to grow, especially since the school year 2007/08 (when the new frequency articulated regime entered into force) with relatively safe steps, which demonstrates that its autonomy and the type of school culture it incorporates (as in the image of a small school) come to meet the needs of its own update. Although it is a little different today than it was until 2007, the Conservatório has a faculty and student body who tries at all costs to establish a culture adjacent to a joint project of fighting for music education. The unit of the school comes from a core range of collaborators who act on behalf of the school, because they feel it like theirs. And it may be said that this sense of belonging is what currently lacks the more in the majority of the schools, whether from regular or vocational type. In this school, the teacher still has room to dream and live passionately his profession in a perspective of constant learning and sharing, among colleagues and students. This paper proposes some forms of action that lie almost in a plane prevention and correction of minor problems due to the relative weakness of the administrative structure, preserving however the gain function of the Conservatório Regional de Música de Viseu.
Date of Award2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorCélia Ribeiro (Supervisor)


  • Enseignement artistique
  • Massification
  • Conception d’école
  • Régime articulé
  • Autonomie
  • Complémentarité
  • Artistic education
  • School conception
  • Autonomy
  • Complementarity
  • Articulated regime


  • Mestrado em Ciências da Educação: Administração e Organização Escolar

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