Regulação emocional, adaptabilidade de carreira e adaptação ao Ensino Superior

  • Tiago José Rodrigues Lopes (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The entry into higher education is perceived in different ways by the students. The literaturerefers to challenges in adapting to higher education, and it is necessary to investigate the roleof emotional self-regulation and career adaptability. Based on the Career Adaptation Model,this study aims to analyze how emotional regulation and career adaptability contribute toexplain variations in the adaptation to higher education. A total of 171 first-year highereducation students participated in this study (Mage = 21.02, SD = 6.179) and answered asociodemographic and academic questionnaire, the Difficulties in Emotional RegulationScale, the Emotional Regulation Scale, the Career Adaptability Scale and the HigherEducation Adaptation Questionnaire. Descriptive, correlational and hierarchical linearregression analyses were developed. There were positive correlations of career adaptability,but negative of difficulties in emotional regulation with the adaptation to higher education.Difficulties in emotional regulation constituted a statistically significant predictor of thedimensions career project and personal-emotional adjustment of adaptation to highereducation. Career adaptability also constituted a statistically significant predictor of thedimensions career project and adaptation to study. Cognitive reassessment was also astatistically significant predictor of the social adaptation and institutional adaptation dimensions. Future studies may adopt a longitudinal design to explore variations in therelationships between the constructs throughout the semesters. Psychological practices to support adaptation to higher education may consider the promotion of emotional skills andcareer adaptability resources of students.
Date of Award17 Jul 2023
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorÍris M. Oliveira (Supervisor)


  • Emotional regulation
  • Career adaptability
  • Adaptation to higher education


  • Mestrado em Psicologia da Educação

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