Relação entre dificuldades de aprendizagem, competência social e psicopatologia em alunos do 2º ciclo do ensino básico

  • Isabel Maria Mineiro Manso (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The main goal of this research paper is to explore the relationship between learning disabilities, social competence and psychopathology in students of the 2nd cycle of basic education. To do this, the study focused on a sample comprising 300 students from the 5th and 6th grades. This study examined the concordance between the information obtained from parents and students regarding Psychopathology, as well as the relationship between Academic Achievement and Psychopathology, also from the perspective of parents and students. It examined the relationship between Academic Achievement and Social Competence, from the perspective of teachers, it explored the relationship between Social Skills and Behavioural Problems, as assessed by teachers, and Psychopathology, as assessed by parents and students. Lastly, it examined the differences between students with low Academic Achievement or Learning Disabilities, students with average Academic Achievement and students with high Academic Achievement, in terms of Social Competence and Psychopathology. The study was conducted using the following assessment protocols: SSRS, CBCL and YSR. Results suggest moderate concordance between parents and students regarding Psychopathology, both agreeing that less Psychopathology equals higher Academic Achievement. Teachers, on the other hand, believe that Academic Achievement is more closely associated with Social Skills than with Behavioural Problems, i.e. the higher the Academic Achievements, the more enhanced the Social Skills and the fewer Behavioural Problems. The results also led to the conclusion that, from the perspective of teachers, students are distinguished according to their Academic Achievement (Low, Average and High), both in terms of Social Skills and Behavioural Problems. Whereas parents and students themselves believe that low Academic Achievement is more associated with internalisation and externalisation issues, with no differences between students with average and high Academic Achievement. The results are discussed in view of the literature reviewed.
Date of Award26 Jun 2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLurdes Veríssimo (Supervisor) & Pedro Dias (Co-Supervisor)


  • Learning disabilities
  • Social competence
  • Psychopathology
  • School context
  • 2nd grade st


  • Mestrado em Psicologia

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