Relações entre pais e filhos na velhice
: o caso dos idosos institucionalizados no Lar S. Vicente de Paulo

  • Mariana Pereira de Sousa e Silva (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


In order to understand the determinants of the relationship between parents and children in old age, especially if they depend on the interactions between them throughout life, we developed a study in the nursing home of S. Vicente de Paulo, which was attended by seven older people and the children responsible fortheir institutionalization.The research method chosen was the case study and the data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews which guide covers threedistinct phases of life of older people: 1ª) pre-institutionalization; 2ª) process of institutionalization, 3ª) and post-institutionalization.The results obtained showed that the relationships among the institutionalized elderly and adult children, responsible for the institutionalization, based on the notion that the latter have the duty to assure them the first care in old age. It is also concluded that the relationship with the children, throughout theirlives, doesn’t necessarily determine the relations in old age because parents whohave not developed close relationships with their children, in their childhood and youth, receive care and affection in old age. However, it should be noted that only were considered in this study the ratio of elderly to the children responsible for their institutionalization. The impact of family relationships throughout life in therelationships that the elderly establish with the other children, in their old age, was not considered. The implications of this study to practice, relate to the possibility, given the results, of promote the improvement and extension of the family relationships of institutionalized elderly in the nursing home of S. Vicente de Paulo. The results are also essential to technicians because they allow the institution has a critical view of their knowledge and allow the acquisition of new skills that enable reach solutions that address the issues.
Date of Award2011
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAlice Delerue Matos (Supervisor)


  • Aging
  • Family support and institutionalization


  • Mestrado em Gerontologia Social Aplicada

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