This report represents the culmination of two apprentice programs inserted in the Master Course of Nature Professional with Specialization in Medical-surgical, with a view to acquiring skills for professional practice as a Specialist Nurse. The apprentice program occurred in three different modules: Module III - Option: Hospital Infection Control Committee of Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central (Hospital de S. José), from April 19 until 18 June 2010, with a total of 180 hours. Module II - Critical Care: Respiratory Intensive Care Unit (UCIR) of Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte (Hospital de Santa Maria) from September 27 until 19 November of 2010, with a total of 180 hours. Module I – Emergency Department, module credited given that it as fourteen years of professional experience in this area. In all the modules the infection control area had been developed, particularly regarded with the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia. This theme was the common thread of these apprentices, because it is a cross-sectional area of the different working contexts and the role of nurses in prevention shows special emphasis on the development of nursing discipline. The areas of care, training, management and investigation have been privileged in the performance of activities in order to achieve the goals originally outlined. To improve the quality of care and focusing on the area of research, questionnaires were given to nurses to evaluate knowledge in the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Training sessions were held to present the results of questionnaires, creating moments of reflection that promote the autonomy of the discipline of nursing in this area. The debate resulting from formative sessions aimed to the development of work instructions for the different areas and to the elaboration of Sectorial Procedure for the Prevention of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia, with the consequent creation of quality indicators for the Unit. In conclusion, it’s enhanced the recognition of the specialist nurse in the promotion of good practice and quality of care. It is essential that the specialist nurse is a reflective practitioner, updated, capable of mobilizing scientific, technical and relational knowledge’s and be a reference within the Nursing Team
Date of Award | May 2011 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Manuela Madureira (Supervisor) |
Relatório de estágio
Martins, E. C. D. R. F. (Student). May 2011
Student thesis: Master's Thesis