Relatório de estágio

  • Maria João Rodrigues de Oliveira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The realization of this Training Report appears in the curriculum Course Masters Nursing Area of Specialization of Child and Pediatric Health of Health Sciences Institute of Portuguese Catholic University and intends to present the route developed in Stage with a view to developing skills for specialized nursing care to child and family. The purpose of this report is to describe, analyze and reflect on the entire training course, where goals, activities and specific skills gained, allow certification for a specialized nursing practice. This path has three curriculum training modules: Module I, accomplished at Alenquer Health Center; Module II which got accreditation and Module III, accomplished in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Pediatric Emergency of Santa Maria Hospital. The subject area developed during the three training modules was the partnership of care, based on four concepts on which the model is based on: engagement, participation, empowerment and negotiation. The goal for stages is to develop scientific, techniques and relational skills in care of children/family, to promote partnership in care. That goal was achieved in several activities developed in training modules. In I Module were made two sessions of health education to parents. To the nursing team was exposed the subject Partnership in Care through a teaching program. The creation of “Salinha do Aconchego” was another of the activities developed in this module. In III Module stage, conducted in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, was designed a training program. This program was presented to the nursing team and was also held a session of health education to parents of newborns admitted in the unit. Regarding the III Module stage, which took place in the Pediatric Emergency, there was accomplished a video that covers eight thematic and elaborate flyers, meeting the needs demonstrated by parents. Along the route, objectives and activities were developed that were held wish to highlight the importance of the Partnership in Care Model and the Family Centered Care, under the care of the Nurse Specialist Nursing Child and Youth Health. There were interventions including all age groups of children, not to mention the involvement, participation, empowerment and negotiation of the child/family, with the primary objective to promote the partnership in care.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorZaida Charepe (Supervisor)


  • Nursing
  • Partnership in care
  • Family centered care


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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