Relatório de estágio

  • Delminda Sofia Ferreira Penedo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


The report seeks to express the way was carried out during Internship Curricular Unit of Master's Degree in Nursing, in specialties on Pediatric and Child Health Nursing. In this internship the different modules are to be performed in health units and focus in advanced nursing care to the newborn, child, young and family, in the course of their development process and adaptation to different contexts of health and disease. The module I correspond to the development of service care in Units of Primary Health Care and it was obtained accreditation for the nearly 10 years of professional experience in this field. The module II corresponded to internship developed in context of Pediatric Inpatient and took place in Pediatric Inpatient Service of HVFX. And the module III corresponds to the stages of Neonatology and Pediatric Emergency developed in the Hospital da Luz. The purpose of the work at hand, subsists to describe, analyze and reflect on the path taken showing the objectives, activities developed, as well the skills acquired that aim the acquisition of a provision of specialized care. As a transverse theme was taken for the different modules of the Internship the "Promoting Positive Parenting" and as a general objective for the different sites of Internship "Developing skills as Nurse Specialist in Pediatric and Child Health for the promotion of Positive Parenting in the first three years of life of the Child". Concerning the way as parents should take care and educate their children have moving towards emphasizing the positive aspects, therefore the EESCJ, as a care provider close to the parents, plays a key role in promoting a Positive parenting. To this should intervene in order to obtain the Parent Training and obtain the construction of Social Capital. During the different Internships, were developed activities and developed instruments, that seek to establish guidelines of good practice for Promoting Positive parenting, allowing professionals to use different strategies that allow responding effectively to the needs and the challenges that this new concept implies. All developed activities took in mind the involvement of the family as a promoter of early childhood development and essential for adjustment to the processes of health and disease.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorElisabete Nunes (Supervisor)


  • Positive parenting
  • Children
  • Family
  • Children and young health nurse specialist


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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