This work appears in the scope of the course of Master in Medical-Surgical Nursing, respondsto the course subject Report and illustrates reflexively the journey made during the previous trainingmodules.First of all, the training modules carried out are presented, as well as the places where theytake place and the reasons why they were chosen. The credited module and the justification of itscredit are also referred to.In the course of this work, the objectives previously outlined for each of the training modulesare shown, a reflective analysis of the activities to operationalize them is carried out and aconceptual framework is set. The skills acquired in the course of clinical teaching, which were fundamental to obtain the title of nurse specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing, are also defined. The current report covers areas such as training, communication, family, humanizing, ulcerprevention pressure, pain and the International Classification for Nursing Practice, ICNP®
Date of Award | Mar 2010 |
Original language | Portuguese |
Awarding Institution | - Universidade Católica Portuguesa
Supervisor | Georgeana Marques da Gama (Supervisor) |
Relatório de estágio
Bernardo, F. M. D. S. (Student). Mar 2010
Student thesis: Master's Thesis