Relatório de estágio

  • Maria de Fátima de Sousa Vitorino (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report constitutes the final instrument of presentation of the stages undertakenduring the Master Course in Medical-Surgical Nursing, on the Emergency Service at CentroHospitalar do Porto and the Committee on Infection Control at Hospital Pedro Hispano. Using adescriptive and analytical methodology, sets out the objectives set, describes the activitiesundertaken and shares the critical and reflective thinking, supported by suitable references. Theaim is to highlight the skills acquired through specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing.By the way of the period of training developed in the Service of Urgency three centralquestions are presented: taking care of the person to live deeply complex processes of criticalillness and/or organic bankruptcy, the dynamization of the reply the situations of catastrophe oremergency multi-victim and the maximization of the intervention in the prevention and control ofthe infection. The experiences of practical clinic, the situation-problem detected and thestrategies of resolution are told proposals, in the installment of cares of Nursing to the customerin critical situation. The situation-problem detected becomes related mainly with the patientsafety: the identification of unconscious victims or with psico-sensitive alterations that hinder itsidentification, the priorityof customers, the documentation of the nursing care and the formationin urgency nursing. Beyond these, one also approaches the identification of the necessities ofnursing cares to the critical customer, the communication with the customer and familiar and thestrategies used in the guiding the customers in the transferences.In context of the period of training in the Commission of Control of Infection, it describesits organization and functional dynamics, the partners of the Hospital Pedro Hispano and thestrategies used for the operationalization of the prevention and control infection, nominated theways used for the promotion of an surrounding insurance, the program of instituted monitoringepidemiologist and the operationalization of the isolation precautions in the services. Parallel tothis description, the current international and national norms and guides are presented,establishing a confrontation between these and the practical. It increases the participation in theservice formation, concerning to the selection and use of personal protective equipment.It is concluded that the period of training provided many moments of theoretical learningand concretion in the practical, contributing greatly for the growth and personal and professionalvaluation. Therefore beyond the important theoretical formation in nursing, the practical directedclinic is essential, in period of training context, which makes possible the transcription of the theoretical knowledge for the cares to the customer, consolidating them, deepening them andcoating them of direction. Thus, it is considered that, globally, the nurse abilities specialist hadbeen acquired. It is presented as goal to the future the integration and implementation oftargeted projects to the patient safety.
Date of AwardSept 2010
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorIrene Oliveira (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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