Relatório de estágio

  • Ana Sofia Pinto Sequeira dos Santos Graça (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report results from a learning process carried out throughout the Practice developed under a Masters Course in Nursing, Medical Surgical Specialization area. The Practice took place over two separate modules: the first, Module III on Operative Room option that took place in the operating room of the CHLC-HSJ; and a second, Module I- Emergency that as developed in Israel-Haifa, Rambam Health Care Campus, an referral hospital in the area of Trauma and Multi-victims events. The report describes and justifies, analytical and reflexively activities on Practice, with the purpose of acquiring skills inherent in the category of Specialist Nurse in Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing Care, advanced patient adult and elderly with serious illness, and in particular to the patient in critical condition. Transversal to both modules of practice, there were two areas of interest - Training and Communication. In the module for the Operating Room the objective elaborated addressed the improvement of safety and quality of care provided to the patient for major surgery through the systematization and standardization of procedures and activities undertaken by the nursing staff in the area of Laparoscopic surgery. In the module for the Urgency order drafted was to develop scientific expertise, specialized in technical and relational approach to trauma victim in emergency/relief in a different cultural environment. The stages in specific contexts, Operating Room and Urgency, experienced in different sociocultural realities, Portugal and Israel respectively, has an analysis and reflection of practice demonstrating the evolutionary way of acquiring skills in Medical Surgical Specialty area.
Date of AwardMay 2011
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorManuela Madureira (Supervisor)


  • Medical surgical nursing skills
  • Intensive Care
  • Operating theatre
  • Urgency - Israel


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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