Relatório de estágio

  • Nuno Manuel Lopes Pereira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report comes as a conclusion to the Training Period set for the Master's Degree in Nursing (Professional Nature), in the area of specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing, in the Institute of Health Sciences of the Catholic University of Lisbon (ICS/UCP). It describes the route throughout the curricular unit Medical-Surgical Nursing Training, being composed of three modules: the Emergency Department, the Intensive /Intermediate Care Department, and another one of our choice. It follows a descriptive methodology, reflective and analytical, activity focused, developed skills and expertise acquired in the area. Module III - Optional, credited by the Scientific Council of ICS/ UCP -in accordance with Article 45 of Decree-Law 74/2006 of March 24, takes into account the skills acquired over seven years of professional practice in Geriatric Nursing context, highlighting the area of care providing Nursing to the Elderly, the area of Care Management, Human and Material Resources and the area of Training in the Workplaces. For the Module II - Intensive/ Intermediate Care , held at the HFF UCICRE from the 27th of April to the 24th of June 2011, we established the following goals: to provide skilled nursing care to patients in critical condition after undergoing major surgery, and support their families through the use of theoretical knowledge, and technical literature, to acquire/develop skills , also through literature, in providing care to clients in critical condition undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation; theoretical application; development of in-service training and the creation of a Communication Board; contributing to the prevention of infections associated with health care; improving the quality of care through a teaching program; creating informative boards and the beginning of a research study on the correct hand hygiene. Referring to the module I - emergency service, developed at Hospital da Luz - AMP, between the 21st of November 2011 and the 27th of January 2012, were drawn the following goals: "To develop knowledge and skills in providing to critical costumer /family care, medium and high risk, by the use of theoretical and technical knowledge through bibliographic research; as well as taking action to raise awareness amongst nursing staff on the theme "Burnout in Emergency Nurses ", through literature review and in-service training.
Date of AwardSept 2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorManuela Madureira (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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