Relatório de estágio

  • Ana Cristina da Silva Araújo (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This This report has the purpose to describe in a succinctly and clarifying way, the reflection of the path for building specific intervention skills in the Community Nursing specialization. The learning process has been developed over an internship at Local Health Unit of Matosinhos Care Unit at Community Health within the school scope, between the 23/04/2012 and the 02/02/2013. The internship was divided into three different modules: Module I – Situation Diagnosis; Module II – Community intervention and Module III. Optional. In the module, Situation Diagnosis it was possible to identified the needs of the education personnel from the, Private Institutions and Private Institutions of Social Solidarity of the comprehensiveness area of the Community Care Unit Health, in promoting children's healthy lifestyles. An inquiry of the entire population was deed - 81 total. A questionnaire was developed for data collecting. Health planning was the working methodology used. With de community intervention project on: Promoting Health Lifestyles in Children - Oral Health and Environment and Health (Body Hygiene and Pediculosis) intended to increase the knowledge of Diagnostic Situation personnel about the priority areas of the National School Health – oral health and environment and health (body hygiene and pediculosis). For that 18 health education actions were developed, in which, health gains were obtained with the activities we developed in 26% (oral health Project) and 18% (environmental and health project). The third internship took place in the same health unit, but in different valences within the Primary Health Care allowing for a gradual acquisition of skills in Specialty Nursing Community.
Date of Award2 Jul 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorPaulo Alves (Supervisor)


  • Community nursing
  • School health
  • Promoting healthy lifestyles in children
  • Oral health
  • Environment and health (body hygiene and pediculosis)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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