Relatório de Estágio

  • José Paulo de Moura Machado (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report aims to complete the route started when I joined the 5th Postgraduate Course in Medical-Surgical Nursing of the Catholic University of Oporto (2011/2013 academic year). The objective is to summarize the experiences lived during this training period, give visibility to the professional training course units, show the new skills acquired as a Specialty Nurse and respond to the evaluation criteria. The preparation of this document aims to give evidence of the skills gathered in the Medical-Surgical Nursing area dealing with critical condition adult or elderly patients and put into practice in the Multipurpose Intensive Care Unit of Braga Hospital and in the Pre-hospital Care means of the Medical Emergency National Institute. The methodology used in this document was a descriptive and analytical one. As regards its structure, the work was divided into three different parts: the first part includes an introduction where I explain the framework of the report, briefly describe the professional training places, give reasons for the choices made and justify the specialty certification in the emergency care area. In the development part of the report, I described some learning moments I came across and mentioned the actions undertaken in order to acquire the intrinsic skills needed by a Specialty Nurse in Medical-Surgical Care. In order to provide a more pleasant and methodical reading, I divided the report body in the four fields of common competences for Specialty Nurses: professional, ethic and legal responsibility, quality continuous improvement, care management and professional learning development. The report describes the aptitudes acquired and the actions that led to its conclusion, the contributions made to each training unit services and a contribution for the development of Nursing. Finally, it includes some last considerations where I assess the training pathway and think about the future and the personal and professional achievements acquired during this training stage.
Date of Award27 Nov 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAmélia Ferreira (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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