Relatório de estágio

  • Pedro Nuno Rodrigues Ferreira (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report falls under the curricular internship of the Masters in Clinical andHealth Psychology sponsored by Universidade Católica Portuguesa de Braga, with the guidance of Professor Rui Ramos. This internship took place in the Home for Children and Youth (LIJ) Casa dos Rapazes and Oficinas de S. José, in Viana do Castelo, with the supervision of Dr. Sonia Rodrigues. This report aims to describe the activities and learning carried out under the internship in Clinical and Health Psychology. This internship had as main objectives the development of a set of activities to be held in Casa dos Rapazes and Oficinas de S. José, in the area of clinical and health psychology, which enabled the practice and extended the learning done throughout my academic and theoretical training to acquire adequate and correct vocational skills for the practice of psychology. The report is divided into two distinct parts, i.e., the first part consist of the characterization and description of Casa dos Rapazes and Oficinas de S. José and the psychology service, and a description of the activities performed during the internship is in the second part. Included in these activities, to become familiar with the life stories of children and young people, the routines of the institution, to help organize the office psychology, intervention group Casa dos Rapazes and Oficinas de S. José, individual consultations intervention with children and youth (monitored six cases), contract with teachers, parents care, home visits, visits to other institutions and participation in training activities.
Date of Award6 May 2014
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRui Alexandre Devesa Ramos (Supervisor) & Sónia Rodrigues (Co-Supervisor)


  • Report
  • Internship
  • Clinical psychology and health
  • Institutionalization of children and youth at risk


  • Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde

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