Representação de Macau na tradução e no reconto
: a perspetiva do orientalismo

  • Sin Chi Tang (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This paper investigates two books that are part of literature of Macao of the last halfcentury. Both are collections of short stories and depict women’s lives in Chinese and Macanese society around the 40’s and 50’s of the 20th century. Cheong-Sam, a Cabaiais written by Deolinda da Conceição, a Portuguese writer who grew up in Macao andwrote in Portuguese; the translation is made by Yao Jingming from Portuguese toChinese. Another book Amores do Céu e da Terra is written by Ling Ling, a local writerof Macao who writes in Chinese; the Portuguese version of the work is a collaborationbetween the translator Stella Lee and the rewriter Fernanda Dias.The dissertation aims at studying the representation of Macanese society and culture inboth cases and to question in how far this representation involves an optic of orientalism.In the first case, the writing, that is, the Portuguese writer’s self-translation for thePortuguese public readers (the first publication in Lisbon) will be highlighted. In thesecond case, the focus will be especially on the retelling process of the work, whichinvolves the collaboration of two professionals. The fact that the translation is named a“retelling” is the first aspect to analyse in this regard. Through the analyses andcomparison of the processes of translation of these two books, I aim at finding outfurther the nature of translation and the function of translator and rewriter, especiallyon how the translator’s choices can manipulate the representation of theChinese/Portuguese culture and influence the reception of that culture by the targetaudience, in mediation between two cultural universes, also calling attention to thevalue of Macao’s literary works.
Date of Award26 Jan 2021
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAna Margarida Abrantes (Supervisor)


  • Literature of Macao
  • Representation
  • Orientalism
  • Retelling
  • Optic


  • Mestrado em Tradução

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