Rumo a novos saberes …

  • Susana Maria Campos Martins (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report appears in the Post-Graduate with specialization in Medical-Surgical Nursing, relating the journey in the Stage which have been taken in a Operating Room service, Intensive Care Unit and ER, contributing to the acquisition and development of technical, scientific and humane care to the adult and elderly patient in critical condition and to attend to cases of sudden illness and health.This report aims to give visibility of all activities developed during the stage, their critical and reflective analysis, their reasoning through literature research and also serves the requirement for the degree of Master of Nursing with a specialization in Medical-Surgical following the provision of public trials.The methodology used is composed by a descriptive method and critical and reflective analysis of the activities experienced. Structurally, it outlines the specific objectives / competencies outlined by the course layout and activities for the realization of these objectives, contributing to the acquisition and development skills.The change in health care requires a constant updating of the professionals, tailoring practices, skills and behaviors, as the key to maintaining quality in providing care. Thus, the need to establish standards of performance as an emergency service, aiming to reduce costs and combine the normalization of operations is something developed by providing safe care, quality, maximizing health gains. This report highlights the importance of evidence-based practice and compliance with the recommendations of the committee of infection control for preventing infections associated with health care, including hand hygiene. It also describes the contribution of a perioperative nurse, promoting quality of care practices by insurance, according to the principles of aseptic surgical techniques and it values reflection as a constant learning and adopting best practices. From this reflection emerges the creation of the proposed implementation of a preoperative visit, as a contribution to the provision of quality care, allowing the systematization and continuity of care pre, intra and postoperative surgical patient. It demonstrates care services to the patient and family, watching constantly for his defense in order to respect their autonomy and feelings, while safeguarding their beliefs, culture and values in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Nurses.In short, the internship has contributed to the acquisition and development of knowledge, skills and competencies essential for an autonomous decision-making and assertive in the area of medical-surgical nursing, essential in solving complex problems more frequent in clinical nursing. Therefore, it is crucial the contribution of specialist training in nursing, for best practice in health care, aimed at assisting the elderly and adult patients with severe disease and / or critical condition.
Date of Award2012
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAmélia Rego (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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