Rumo a um futuro de excelência

  • Ana Vera Maltez Alves (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This document, which is part of the curricular unit “Report”, was intended to make an overall assessment of the journey made at the ER and Intensive Care Medicine Service of Hospital Pedro Hispano and in the different means of emergency medical service of the Northern Regional Delegation of the National Institute of Emergency Medicine. The methodology was descriptive and analytical-reflective. The internship project, the training modules portfolios and bibliography searches were the foundation for the preparation of this document. This dissertation is composed of four parts: introduction; reasons for the choice of the internship premises; a critical and reflective analysis of the internship goals; and an analysis of the assessment indicators. In Module I, Emergency Room, several skills were acquired and deepened. As far as management is concerned, I demonstrated that I have understood the methodology adopted in the service management concerning material and human resources as well as nursing care. In the field of care nursing, I provided nursing care to patients, based upon the nursing process in all its phases, in a perspective of Medical-Surgical area, making informed decisions, taking into consideration the scientific evidences and my social and ethical responsibilities. In the establishment of therapeutic relationships, I always tried to understand and respect the others, and to refrain from making value judgments on the person who needed nursing care. In Module II, Intensive Care, I was able to acquire a considerable level of experience and I increased dramatically my knowledge, both in respect of patients with multiple failures, and in Intensive Care Units. This type of services requires not only constant bibliographic research but also an adjustment to the discussed broad concepts, demanding from me a challenging coordination between knowledge, experience and knowledge exchange. Module III, Pre-hospital Care, has its own dynamic, since it provides direct care to the victims of either sudden illness and/or trauma, in a non-hospital environment, but in which everything must be done with the best possible efficiency and speed. This allowed me to demonstrate I was capable of demonstrating my ability to react in complex and unforeseen situations within the area of Medical-Surgical Nursing Specialty. During this internship, the constant adaptation to different teams made it possible for me to demonstrate ability to work properly in a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary team. Trauma situations required from me major investment in research literature. Thus, I demonstrated my ability to maintain, continuously and autonomously, my own process of self-personal and professional development. I conclude by stating that the proposed goals were achieved, stressing the importance of both this internship and the preparation of this dissertation for the acquisition of skills that will enable me in the future as a nurse specialist to develop, with autonomy, a nursing practice based on standards of quality and scientific knowledge.
Date of Award2013
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorAmélia Ferreira (Supervisor)


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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