Segmentos horizontais e verticais na indústria do turismo
: o caso da cidade do Porto

  • Diogo Miguel de Sá Meireles (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This study develops a model to analyze the horizontal and vertical segments of the tourism industry. The proposed model is applied to the case of tourism in the city of Porto in order to evaluate the attractiveness of each segment and identify opportunities to explore in this context. With the accomplishment of these two purposes is intended to understand how the horizontal and vertical segmentation influences the analysis of the industry attractiveness? In order to answer the research question the methodology used was the case study and the data were collected through interviews and through information provided by third parties. Among the various conclusions of the study it is highlighted that segmentation not only allows to analyze an industry in specific groups, but also considers the profitability inherent to each vertical segment (profit pool). Regarding the study of tourism in the city of Porto, the following conclusions are drawn. The first approach, when taking into account the number of firms suggests that the segments with the most market failures are: sea and air transport and cultural activities. The second approach, taking into account the opinion of the tourists who visited the city of Porto, indicates that there are failures, especially in the segment of distributors (online and offline), transport in the destination and cultural activities. However, relevant gaps in other segments were also highlighted.
Date of Award13 Jul 2017
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorRicardo Alexandre Morais (Supervisor)


  • Horizontal segmentation
  • Vertical segmentation
  • Industry attractiveness
  • Case study
  • Tourism
  • Porto


  • Mestrado em Gestão

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