Segurança da pessoa no sistema terapêutico
: um cuidado especializado

  • Mariana Nunes Correia (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


This report is part of the professional Master's in the area of Medical-Surgical Nursing, with specialization in the area of Persons in Critical Situation. This one intends to demonstrate the entire path taken, defending the acquisition of the Specific Skills of the Specialist Nurse in Medical-Surgical Nursing and of the Master's Skills. The internship was carried out in the Emergency Department of a Hospital Center in Lisbon, with a duration of 360 hours of contact, in which the specific objectives defined were to provide specialized care to the person in a critical situation and their family, and to contribute to the good practices of the nursing team in the management of therapeutic error. Also included in this document is the scope review, carried out on the theme "Nurses' Interventions in the prevention of Therapeutic Error in an Intensive Care Unit: a Scoping Review", in order to map the literature, based on the model recommended by the JBI for extracting of data. As a result, a relevant incidence of therapeutic errors was obtained due to the complexity of an Intensive Care Unit, concluding that nurses have a fundamental role in the prevention of therapeutic errors through the improvement of the work environment - restorative ecology, management of LASA and MAR medicines and teamwork; use of technology – computerizing clinical protocols; understanding of the cognitive process in performing tasks - through checklists, standardization, metacognition and avoiding multitasking; the importance of incident reporting is also underlined.
Date of Award12 May 2022
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorLurdes Martins (Supervisor)


  • Prevention
  • Therapeutic error
  • Intensive care
  • Nurses
  • Emergency service
  • Specialist nurse


  • Mestrado em Enfermagem

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