Serviço social em Angola
: itinerário histórico e caminhos de inovação social

  • Felicidade Buzi (Student)

Student thesis: Master's Thesis


Approaching the 6 milestones of the Angolan Social Work’s course it comes out that 3 different periods occurred since 1961 till today (2014/15): (i) the ―Angolan Social Work’s Foundation period‖, centered in the Institute of Pio XII as the only axis of formation of the social workers (1961-974); (ii) the ―Angolan Social Work’s Crash period‖, marked by the closure of the Institute of Pio XII, and by a significant inhibition of the social work (1974-2002); and (iii) the ―Angolan Social Work’s Restarting period‖, run by the 3 recent nucleus of SS’ professionalization, the ―Instituto João Paulo II‖, the ―Instituto Superior de Serviço Social‖ and the ―Centro de Formação de Quadros Sociais do Ministério da Segurança e Reinserção Social‖ (2002 – Today). Applying an internal or reflexive and another external or contrastive analysis on the described Angolan Social Work’s diphasic course it comes out that: (i) at the reflexive level, it is cached a qualitative or paradigmatic change in the Angolan Social Work (1961-today), moving from a ―reactive and therapist‖ way of the Angolan Social Work (1961-2002) displayed about the Pio XII’s formation, during both of the Foundation and the Crash’s periods, to a ―proactive, therapist and entrepreneur‖ tendency of the Angolan Social Work (2002-today), displayed about the current high formations (João Paulo II and Instituto Superior de Serviço Social); (ii) at the contrastive level, thinking {Local /Global} dimensions of the Social Work, it is gotten that Angolan Social Work could be classifiable as {SS: + Local / - Global}, relating the Portuguese Social Work one, already classifiable as {SS: + Local / + Global}.
Date of Award2015
Original languagePortuguese
Awarding Institution
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
SupervisorFrancisco Branco (Supervisor)


  • Social work
  • Angolan social work
  • Global social work
  • Social innovation


  • Mestrado em Serviço Social

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