Given that the simultaneous provision of audit and non-audit services (NAS) to audit clients may jeopardize auditor independence, in the European Union, the Regulation (EU) nº 537/2014 of the European Parliament and The Council, April 16th of 2014 was introduced, which regulates specific requirements for statutory audits of the public interest entities and forbids the provision of most NAS to audit clients and controls the total amount of NAS fees charged. Therefore, this study aims to find out if in Portugal, before the entrance of the European Auditing Regulation, the provision of NAS had a negative impact on the auditor independence and if, after the implementation date of that regulation, these types of services have no impact on auditor independence. To respond to these objectives, the present dissertation embraces a quantitative methodology, using the linear probability method which is applied to the Portuguese companies listed on PSI-Geral for the period between 2013 and 2019, included. The results of the study show that, during the period of analysis, the weight of NAS doesn’t have the power to influence the propensity to the auditor be independent and the average weight of that services reduce after the application of the European Auditing Regulation. These results are uniform, regardless of the method of calculation of their weight and the date of the implementation of the legal measures imposed by the European Auditing Regulation.
- Auditor independence
- Non-audit services
- European auditing regulation
- Non-audit fees
- Mestrado em Auditoria e Fiscalidade
Serviços distintos da auditoria e independência do auditor
Neves, A. S. P. (Student). 7 Dec 2021
Student thesis: Master's Thesis